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A Message from the JASM Executive Director and President

2020-06-06 9:00 AM | Anonymous

Dear JASM family and friends,

In the past two weeks, we have witnessed the troubling stories and images surrounding the death of Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis. These events have brought racism and discrimination to the forefront of public consciousness.

First, Japan America Society of Minnesota would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere condolences to the Floyd family. 

Second, our mission at JASM is to build bridges between the peoples of Japan and Minnesota to further mutual respect and understanding. JASM condemns discrimination in any form, and we will continue to promote cross-cultural appreciation within our community.

Finally, numerous local businesses have been affected by the protests in the wake of Mr. Floyd’s death, and we urge you, if you are able, to assist with the reconstruction efforts underway, especially in the South Minneapolis and Midway neighborhoods. We will be doing what we can to help our neighbors to heal, to rebuild, and, eventually, to flourish.

Elizabeth Fehrmann, JASM President

Rio Saito, JASM Executive Director

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