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The Japan America Society of Minnesota (JASM) will award the Mondale Scholarship to undergraduate students enrolled in Minnesota colleges and North Dakota State University who want to broaden their knowledge of Japan through a combination of study and travel. Former Ambassador Mondale has continually promoted a deeper understanding of Japanese business, government, culture, and language among corporate leaders and employees in America. The Japan America Society of Minnesota is proud to have this opportunity to assist Minnesota/North Dakota students in their quest for a study experience in Japan since 1998. 

The selection committee has the discretion to award up to $2,000 for each scholarship. In a typical year, between 3 and 5 scholarships are awarded. The awards are specifically to be used for travel to or within Japan before, during, or after the student’s specified term(s) of study.

July 18, 2024 - Application Deadline

July 29, 2024   - Send interview invitations to candidates

Aug 9, 2024 - Complete interviews of candidates

Aug 12, 2024 - Award scholarships

The application process consists of the completion and submission of the following items:

1.    Application form: Google Form/ PDF Form
2.    Official college/university transcript(s) from all institutions attended **
3.    Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher
4.    Two letters of recommendation. These letters should come from a faculty member or a member of the applicant’s community of residence who knows the applicant well and who can attest to the applicant’s desire to spend time studying and traveling in Japan. **
5.    An essay that addresses these questions: Why do you want to study and travel in Japan? What is your goal for this experience? How do you intend to use the scholarship dollars? The essay must be no longer than two double-spaced typewritten pages.
6.    A copy of the letter of acceptance from the intended program of study in Japan.

**These materials need to be sent directly to JASM from the institution and/or an individuals via email jasm@mn-japan.org or mail to P.O. Box 26639, Minneapolis, MN

The selection committee will review all applications and select finalists for interviews.  Applicants unable to participate in the interview process may be disqualified by the selection committee.

Past winners of the Mondale Scholarship (Highlighted names will open link to Mondale Scholarship Report in Tsushin):

2023-2024 Rachel Kelly • Livvy Peters • Kendra Martin

2022-2023     Maya GreenAly HayashiJoshua Marine • Alex Saros • Chong Sarah Thao 

2021-2022     No scholarships were awarded due to pandemic

2020-2021     Claire Rastad • Lydia Rose

2019-2020     Daphne Iskos • Son Phan • Alison Meierhofer • Audrey Johannes

2018-2019     Elise BearroodHannah Detlaff Tatiana Gust • Mason Williams
2017-2018     Huyen Bui • Abbey Cipriano • Ezekiel Heling
2016-2017     Lisa Au • Joe Druckman
2015-2016     Anne Campbell • Maly Thao
2014-2015     Amani Mekraz • Ryan Renard • Samantha Vang
2013-2014     Jessany Williams • Eric Schneider
2012-2013     Jack Kessler •  Sadie Cornforth •  Pa Woua
2011-2012     David Huck •  Senai Mesfin
2010-2011     Julia Clark •  Laura Ullery
2009-2010     Damon Odum • Andrew Brown
2008-2009     Joanna Clark • Katherine Dunlop • Lindsey Loree
2007-2008     Aaron Brown • Victoria Miller • Keaton White
2006-2007     Teresa Kramer • Wes Robertson
2005-2006     Bryan Olsson • Vassilena Ouzounova
2004-2005     Summer Dien • Benjamin Salyards
2003-2004     Brianne Erickson • Andrea Woudenberg
2002-2003     Steven Borchart • Erin Mickens • Alicia Ohmann • Kristen Ridley
2001-2002     Jason Chan • Rebecca Grundy • Garret Smith
2000-2001     Marshall Bennett • Peter Morrow • Brian Peterson
1999-2000     Natalie Hoyle • James Conely
1998-1999     Jenelle Ehalt • Maria Murphy • Jesse Spitza

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